We look forward to seeing many of you at the AIChE Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN from 16-21 October. For your convenience we have compiled a list of papers that we think would be of interest to you including some featuring projects that utilized DynoChem software.
Last year AIChE began formally recognizing outstanding work in the area of Quality by Design; one award was presented for drug substance, one for drug product. This year an award has been added for “Excellence in Integrated QbD Practice” (sponsored by Merck). We are proud to be the sponsor for “AIChE Award for Outstanding Contribution to QbD for Drug Substance”. These awards will be presented at an evening session and mixer starting on Tuesday Oct 18, 2011 at 6:30 PM, in “Symphony III” at the Hilton. Hope to see you there.
If you would like to meet with any of us at the AIChE meeting any time during the week, please contact Marion Maniet to coordinate. marion.maniet@scale-up.com, or +1(412) 780-6711.