Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Bernhard Berger, Siegfried AG: Applications of DynoChem in Thermal Process Safety

By means of an exothermal oxidation it is shown how with a few experiments a DynoChem model for heat generation can be generated. (Anwendungen von DynoChem in der Prozess-Sicherheit - Optimierung von Akkumulation und TMR. Am Beispiel einer exothermen Oxidationsreaktion wird gezeigt, wie mit wenigen Experimenten ein DynoChem Modell der Wärmeerzeugung dieser Reaktion bestimmt werden kann).

Extract from DynoChem guest webinar available in full, auf Deutsch and in English, at http://dcresources.scale-up.com?t=pe.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Franjo Jovic: Modeling approach to process development for hydrogenation step

The above links to an extract from the DynoChem guest webinar last week by Dr Franjo Jovic of Pliva (part of Teva group). Franjo talked about how the design space for an API hydrogenation reaction step was defined using DynoChem and model predictions verified with experimental results.

The full version of the webinar is available here.

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