Friday, February 22, 2019

Dynochem 5 released as part of the new Scale-up Suite

In our 14 February webinar, Scale-up Systems was delighted to announce the release of Dynochem 5 as part of the new Scale-up Suite, which also includes Reaction Lab and Numero Chem.
Scale-up Suite includes Dynochem and new products Reaction Lab and Numero Chem
Reaction Lab: Kinetics meets ELN

This is the culmination of great work by our software development team, inspired by customer feedback and led by Dr Steve Hearn.

High-level details about the components in Scale-up Suite can be found at the new look website.  Members of can get more detail and access to the tools via the Dynochem Resources and Reaction Lab Resources websites.

We've started a program of weekly 30-minute webinars to talk through the new features and hope that customers and prospective customers can make some of those live (or watch the recordings) over the next month or two.

Your Dynochem 4 content will work in Dynochem 5 and you should plan to upgrade as soon as practicable for you.  Expect a host of improvements in speed, ease of use and accuracy, the latter especially for material properties.

Use the links at the side of this blog to explore more.  As always, we'd love to hear your feedback to

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