Thursday, April 12, 2012

CSD modeling using population balances in DynoChem

This week we have published a new KB article on CSD modeling using population balances, together with several new example models.  You can download the article here: Modeling crystal nucleation, growth and size distribution using DynoChem.  The article contains links to the example models.

This is a challenging, ‘power user’ topic, of most interest to academic researchers.  

Typical output of one of the population balance models (a 'moving sectional' model) is shown below for a seeded crystallization with an ageing period, followed by cooling and some additional nucleation.

1 comment:

Jasmine said...

Hello Joe,
I just came across your blog and I must say you have put together a really good collection of articles!
From the ducks outside your office to the links to AIChE abstracts as well as your own views, this is quite an interesting assortment.

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